Job interviews are nerve-racking. In fact, they are downright terrifying. Sitting behind a desk while an authority figure pores over every detail of your work experience is enough to put anybody into a state of panic. But you know what's even worse? Waiting to see if you got the job after the interview. Nail biting, constant pacing, and heavy drinking may ensue. Not to worry, we are right there with you. Check out the 13 stages of waiting to see if you snagged that job below. And take a deep breath while you're at it.
1. You go into your interview feeling confident.
1. 你自信地去面試了。
After preparing for this moment all week, what do you have to be nervous for?
2. You keep your cool until the very end.
2. 一直到結束你都表現得很好。
And strut out of the office like you already have the job.
3. But when you get home you immediately stare at your phone.
3. 你一回家就開始盯著電話。
They will call any second . . . right?
4. Then you kind of start to freak out.
Why. Aren't. They. Calling? Or emailing? Or something?
5. So you look over your résumé again in search of glaring errors.
Oh my god, did you spell "experience" wrong?
天哪,你把“experience”拼錯了?6. People start to ask about how the interview went.
But you just can't even discuss it. Go away, caring friends and family.
但是你不想談這個。讓關心的朋友和家人走開。7. You no longer know what to do with your life.
7. 你不知道該怎么做了。
Constantly waiting for a job has put functioning like a normal human at astandstill.
8. It's time to give up on any hope for this job.
8. 是時候放棄對這份工作的希望了。
Allow yourself a period of mourning.
給自己一點哀悼的時間。9. And it's time to start the Internet search for other job listings.
9. 可以開始在網上找其他職位了。
Dive into that black hole of cover letter and résumé building all over again.
10. Then suddenly, the phone rings . . .
10. 突然,電話響了……
Who could it possibly be?
11. You get the news that you are hired.
All of a sudden you miraculously emerge from your bout of unemployed depression.
你突然從沒被錄用的失望中恢復過來了。12. It's time to celebrate your triumph!
12. 是時候慶祝勝利了!
Pop those bottles.
干杯!13. Enjoy your victory now, because it's time to get to work.
And building a career for yourself is no walk in the park.